Sunday, May 31, 2009

So aside from being COMPLETELYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY************************ BROKE, the past couple of days have been divine both weather-wise and company-wise. I've been happier and more excited than I've been in a long loooong time and now, of course, I'm home on this gorgeous day with a fever/sore throat/chills/migraine. I had really cute plans for today that I have to forgo and it's making me crazy. I don't drink, I don't smoke, I'm a vegan, I take vitamins every day, and I work out. WHAT THE FUCK ELSE DOES MY IMMUNE SYSTEM WANT FROM ME? I digress.
Anyway! While fickeling around on the internet in my fever-induced stupor, a little birdie told me that one of my playlists has been posted on It's 4 months after the fact, but ya'll can check it out at It's the last playlist on the scroll down menu and they spelled my name wrong. Enjoy!
Also fuck everyone who's out enjoying this gorgeous weather while I'm in bed dying of swine flu.

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